Life After Residential Addiction Treatment

When you are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, it can seem like there is no way out. Withdrawal symptoms can be painful and even life-threatening, and keep you trapped in the cycle of addiction. Drug and alcohol detox centers provide around-the-clock medical care that helps you get through withdrawal and into recovery. Reach out to a detox center today, and take the first step to a new life.

Benefits of Attending a Detox Center

Content from Summit Estate Recovery Center

Choosing the right detox and addiction treatment program can be key. The program you choose determines what kind of support you receive. The best treatment centers will provide you with individualized care based on your needs. There are different levels of support provided by inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. When you begin at a detox center, you can work with your treatment team to create a program that adapts to your evolving needs.

Many treatment centers provide gender-specific treatment programs that provide men and women with treatment that is sensitive to their needs. The right men’s addiction treatment center or women’s addiction treatment center can provide an environment where you feel free to open up to those around you, so you can begin to heal. Here, you can address past traumas and work on the coping skills that will help you during recovery.

The Next Steps After Detox

Many times, individuals seeking treatment for drug and alcohol addiction can be so focused on getting clean that they do not prepare for life after rehab. For addiction treatment to be truly effective, your addiction treatment program must prepare you for life after rehab as well.

Many people move to a residential treatment center after detox. During these programs, treatment is intensive. While you live at a treatment center, you are in an environment totally focused on recovery. You participate in intensive therapy programs that help you understand how to break free from the cycle of addiction. Your therapist can prepare you for returning back to life outside of treatment, but when you take those next steps you will encounter many triggers and stressors that can threaten your recovery. Creating a rehab aftercare program can provide you with the support you need to avoid relapse and continue your recovery.

Creating a Sober Support Network

Before you leave the treatment center, establishing a sober support network can be crucial. This network provides you with someone to call when you face relapse triggers. If appropriate, you can involve family and friends in your sober support network. However, you must be sure to avoid anyone who will threaten your new sober lifestyle. Connecting with Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous can also be helpful. The right addiction recovery support services provide engagement with a community focused on recovery, full of men and women who can help you as you transition back to normal life.

Getting Rid of Toxic Relationships

Unfortunately, you may find that many of your relationships and friendships threaten your recovery. Toxic and negative behaviors can bring triggers and stress that can drive you back into negative habits. Working with your support network can help you identify when it will be healthier to avoid these relationships, so you can focus on the new relationships that will help you make a long-lasting recovery.

Removing Reminders of Addiction

It can be helpful to take stock of your possessions and remove reminders of your addiction or items you associate with past traumas. With help from your family and friends, going through your home and getting rid of these items can help you avoid painful memories that might trigger a relapse.

Adjusting to Normal Routines

Many people leave rehab and jump back into their life at full speed. While you may feel filled with a zest for life, taking on too many responsibilities at once can threaten your recovery. Soon, you feel overwhelmed and return to the unhealthy coping methods that you used before. This is why it can be important to watch out for the signs of relapse, so you can know when to reach out for help.

The warning signs of relapse can appear well before someone starts using drugs and alcohol again. Seeing these signs in your friend or loved one does not mean they have started using again. However, identifying them can be important for their recovery.

What to Do When You Are Worried About Relapse?

If you feel that you do not have enough support to avoid relapse, contacting a treatment center for more formal treatment can be key. You may not need to return to a residential treatment center, an outpatient treatment program provides treatment while you live at home or in sober living. This makes continuing your recovery accessible as you return to your normal rhythms and responsibilities.

Many treatment centers offer telehealth addiction treatment. This involves virtual meetings with a therapist either through a smartphone or computer. This makes continuing treatment more convenient, thereby helping to strengthen your recovery and helping you to maintain your recovery.

Content via Gaudenzia

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