
3 Signs of Meth Use in Adults

The physical signs of meth use in adults are distinct, worsen over the course of the addiction, and sometimes the neurological consequences can be irreversible. Getting help as early as possible is key for achieving a successful recovery from meth addiction.

At Grace Counseling, we’re here for you in the moment of crisis and far beyond. We have clean, spacious, and comfortable locations in both Lewisville and Ft. Worth. If you or someone you love would benefit from substance abuse treatment, reach out to us today.

Worried About Meth Addiction?

Meth, also known as crystal meth, ice, crank, or methamphetamine, is a powerful stimulant and powerfully addictive.

One thing that makes meth addiction so worrisome is the fact that it is easy to procure and can be cheaply made from a variety of widely available household chemicals. Crystal meth addiction leads to some of the most intense physical consequences of any drug available today. Long term effects of meth use include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Brain damage
  • Meth mouth (rotten teeth)
  • Sores, boils, and chronic skin infections
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Psychosis
  • Coma
  • Death

Many of these effects can be healed once the meth addiction is treated and a person is no longer abusing the drug.

3 Signs of Meth Use in Adults

Here are a few important warning signs of meth use in adults:

  1. Passing several days without sleep followed by an intensive crash: Meth is a drug that is often binged–taking several small oses over a period of days can heighten the high. Unfortunately, it also exacerbates the crash. When a person is taking meth, they are alert, energized, and don’t seem to require any sleep at all for a long period of time. During then high, they may appear euphoric, and their pupils will be rather more dilated than is normal. However, once they crash, a person will experience fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, and an increased appetite. During the crash, they may also experience noticeable withdrawal symptoms such as severe insomnia, jitters, and dry mouth.
  2. The development of jerky movements, ticks, muscle spasms, and constant talking: Meth use damages muscles as well as the nervous system, which can lead to the development of involuntary repetitive movements (ticks), among other things. If you notice an onset of physical ticks (such as picking, scratching, or rocking), a jerky quality to their movements, and periods of constant talking, then the adult you’re observing may be using meth. A person using meth may have trouble calming themselves down and tends to make impulsive, risky decisions.
  3. Rapid and unexplained weight loss: Similarly to other stimulants, meth speeds up a person’s metabolism and can eliminate the body’s natural hunger cues entirely. Some adults turn to meth as a weight loss aid. This can be extremely risky since the use of meth can cause dramatic and dangerous drops in weight and the disintegration of muscle tissue which increases a person’s risk of falls and physical accidents. Muscle loss further disrupts metabolism, and long-term meth use can lead to extreme difficulty regaining lost weight.

Contact Grace Counseling to Learn More

Grace Counseling has comprehensive addiction treatment, and the ability to provide adults suffering from meth addictions (and their loved ones) with exceptional care. Our addiction treatment offerings include detox, partial hospitalization, and extensive alumni support and engagement opportunities to sustain sobriety.

If you observe these signs or other indications of addiction distress, reach out to us at 844.564.0712. At Grace Counseling, we’re equipped to help and here to support your family in recovering a sense of stability and healing from the ripple effects of a loved one’s addiction.

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